Esp Eng

The Brain Initiative

A far-reaching initiative

In 2017, Colegio Hacienda Los Alcaparros began systematic reflection on the development of the brain in its multiple dimensions as a basis for responding with greater foundation to the required and imminent transformations in education in the face of the challenges of the country and the contemporary world.

We start from the concept of brain plasticity – widely supported by neuroscience – which refers to its capacity to respond, modify and adapt according to the stimuli it receives from the environment and relationships with others. All experiences, which are always translated into learning, gradually sculpt the brain.

We believe that as educators – in particular, teachers and families – it is our responsibility to know the research on the properties and modes of operation of the brain and the ways in which learning transforms it. These are the foundations to be able to contribute, with better judgment and wisdom, to nurture, expand and enrich the brain development of the new generations.

Meeting with Guests

Students and teachers of Alcaparros meet with the international experts, through questions from each other, prior to their arrival and then, at the school, to jointly analyze the projects carried out by the students.

Open Colloquium

A day for parents, teachers, researchers, and university students, among others, to learn, first hand, studies that introduce new perspectives to the learning and teaching of children and young people.

Artistic presentation

Public presentation of artistic creations of various kinds by our students, sometimes with the guests and other participants, to make visible the theme in question.

Each year, Alcaparros/BRAIN & LEARNING is dedicated to studying an aspect of brain development for which we invite internationally recognized experts and with them we carry out three activities:


Jan - May


Previous Editions